i drew without sunglassess too 😋

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imma be real, in dark blood lore, doc isnt supposed to be good looking cause im running a trope of a normal looking guy with unexpected skills but after further redesign, i made him a bit of a good looking cause him wearing sunglassess outside his job will show how weird he is

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she will call the local sunglassess man's mom gay

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Eyyy I see a fine lookin fellow whale in the scuba suit!!🧀
Love your Sunglassesss 🎆🎇 Goes really well with the chain blingg💯

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Hey there, Artist from the Netherlands here who Likes do make fashion illustrations and oil paintingsSmiling face with sunglassesSun with rays

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pinkjoon,,,yellow sunglassess,,, thinking

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Time to show love for Ohya. I love her backstory and find her to be very interesting character. Plus she goes against corruption in the journalism industry.

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Normal people: is a day to celebrate Ohya

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