
…Out of context but…exactly.

0 1


Left - (Vol. 5, 2019)

Right - (Vol. 5, 2020)

3 11

Replacing the BAF head with is quite effective! Fig pics courtesy of (https://t.co/P8EWnLP390).

(Vol. 5, 2020)

24 101

The Stepford Cuckoos are so fun to color. ❤️

0 13

X-Men 11 drops this NCBD!! I just ran through the pages again and pretty sure this is the best issue and I ever did. Let me know what you think if you read the issue 🔥

0 7

Gives me vibes...

(Vol. 5, 2014)

W-#JonathanHickman, A-#LeinilFrancisYu, I-#GettyAlanguilan, C-#SunnyGho, L-#ClaytonCowles

4 19


(Vol. 5, 2013)

W-#JonathanHickman, A-#LeinilFrancisYu, C-#SunnyGho/#DavidCuriel, L-#CoryPetit

1 11

Aquaman in stores today, I usually only post the inks, but I’m so damn proud of what everyone is doing here that I want to share the credit page 🙂 .

4 25