New page of coming your way!

Helena's day is finally coming to a close, but villainy and book deals never sleep.

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New comic page of coming your way!

Welcoming Committee isn't exactly glamorous work, but Golden Girl takes pride in her job.

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Finally finished my icon for Christmas this year!
Eve is checking her list twice to make sure she visits all the good boys and girls. (You should all probably invest in new locks)

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In the meantime, allow me to shamelessly plug some recent art I did of Helena in other character's costumes!

Generous donations by:
's Miss Rocket
's Nightstick
and 's Belt Boy

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Here's a side by side reference for the twins' costumes that I made yesterday!

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First posted concept for my upcoming comic.

The main cast involves a pair of twins. I'm still deciding on hair color, but I am leaning towards a type of redhead. I'm open to suggestions!

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