This is a first for my series: I'm writing a thread specifically to make a! Back in January 2019 I wrote a thread on Captain Britain, but since then someone else took on the mantle: Betsy Braddock, formerly Psylocke of the X-Men, Captain Britain!

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Alright, let's talk about ANOTHER government super soldier whose true history was held back, except this time it's because the is on the run... Or at least he was. I'm talking about Carl Lucas... Aka Power Man... Aka LUKE CAGE

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As promised, I'm talking today about Namorita, who is arguably a more direct Supergirl parallel to Namor the Sub-Mariner's than her "mother", Namora.

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Distaff counterparts of characters are all over! Namor the Sub-Mariner has two, so let's start with the first one, his cousin Namora!

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