If suddenly your "friend" became an enemy. It means only 2 things:

1. You did much good for this person in the past;
2. From the 1st day, that "friend" hated you, just was waiting for the moment to stab you in your back.

Be selective who you trust🤓

54 91


People with noble hearts hear your silence, see what is invisible & touch your soul without a real touch...❤

If you have such people, never let them go...🙏

88 149

Be thankful for all the difficult people in your life, and learn from them.🙏
They have shown you exactly who You Do Not want to be....

100 179

Let everything you dream of today, tomorrow will become your reality...🎨💙🎨

102 195

Always remember, sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts...💙

I'll join to continue with RTs later...

127 219


Never lose hope whatever happens... Hard times will pass & early or late everything will be fine...


108 193


A smiling face is a beautiful face. A smiling heart is a happy heart...❤


86 143


It is not about forcing happiness... It's about not letting sadness win...


91 157


You are the most loved ones in the world for someone, somewhere. Just try to remember it...ALWAYS!


92 139


Life is made up of Moments.
Moments create Days,
Days create Months,
Months create Years,
Years create Life.

Cherish your moments...


118 215

Do you know what happens when you hurt people? When you hurt people they begin to love less & begin to forget that they loved you once...💔

52 73

There are always going to be two souls in this universe, waiting for each other to fall in love. Just believe & open up for magic...❤

86 216