I changed a little bit Nightmare's face and also made a Swad/Celestia design

9 99

가디언스왑 드림테일 p???? 한글번역-1

Guardian Swap Dreamtale p??? Korean translation-1

8 148


P??? part2 翻譯完畢
真的很感謝大家願意體諒我這種翻譯方式🙏 https://t.co/OYardUQFt3

38 561

BehindTheScene 舞台裏シリーズ

163 2037


13 147


GS 드림테일 20~23

by :

13 175

저 안 죽었어요.

GS 드림테일 18화 외전

by :

14 271

my japanese and my english is not good, i'm not good at drawing but i did it with love, after the last page i couldn't help but protect the little dream, i hope you like it

5 78

絵が終わった——えっと! えっと!

13 181