Lmaoooo I love how this confirms Brahma as a cheerleader tho it’s pretty Obv imo 💀 crying at the contrast between a 5th stage Maruna and a kid Ran, time travel is very fun 😭

2 10

Indra is such a dick head tho I still like him a lot 💀

1 10

Young Maruna is killing me 💀 Was wondering why these Gods weren’t mentioned till I remembered seeing them a bit before. I wonder if Maruna’s siblings being culled or taken from him (I assume) has anything to do with his unique transcendental


1 8

Def a top 3 moment for me, maybe even my fav moment in the whole series so far. Perfect end to an amazing arc.

4 22

…So it really was God Kubera that she summoned 😨 If Gods can change appearance than did he disguise himself as Anna and raise her ?😭 if not then who was Anna LMAO

That 1st and 3rd panel tho 😮‍💨👌

1 12

So many great moments rn, just shook at how dense the Weight of Time saga has been. The Ruche and Maruna moment here specifically are especially great.

Ran finally seeing God Kubera again 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 interrogation Boutta hit

1 11

Something about this specific reveal hit way harder than I thought it would. Needless to say, Ananta’s arc is one I look forward to most after this 🥲🫶

The sins of Ananta as a bystander being the longest record is so egregiously unfair

1 7

Ananta is so wise wtf, did not expect such a carefree person, despite being the literal strongest in the universe, to have a mindset on the level of his strength.

1 7

PEAK, this is just what I needed rn 😮‍💨

2 11

LMAOOOOOOOOOOO 💀💀💀 Top 1 in hand to hand combat for a reason 😭

1 8

Back to Babo Kim scans with some lore and romance enriched side stories 😌 absolutely feasting rn

Other than Brilith and Agni’s side story being great, I loved Urvasi’s story, really hope there’s some intersections between them and Gandharva soon 🙏

1 11

Is that Asha in the first pic ?👀 I wonder what she is exactly at this point anyway after stealing so much power

Gandharva getting absolutely carried by Menaka’s will oml 😭 first she burdens his sins and then convinces the Gods and their allies of his worth, MVP

1 4