Happy holidays from and This was a collab with the lovely where we combined our love for these characters. Visit her profile to check out the timeskip New Year version 👀✨

68 240

“felix, i’ll spot you during stretches.”
“stretches don’t need to be spotted, dumbass.”
“felix, i’ll spot you during stretches PLEASE.”
[sylvix!!! for ]

29 102

More Sylvix!!! Do not separate these two at all costs!

1 3

sylvix!! are they gonna fight? or kiss?? who knows!!!

1 12

happy valentines day ft sylvix!!!!!

157 317

🌹⚔️ [#シルフェリsilvix2019]
Thank you for everything this year sylvix!! 😭 I haven't actually drawn them Together as much as Indirectly so, I used my last spot on the photoset to rec some of the best fic I've read so far!!! PLEASE support our writers too🧡

81 254

only have 4 posts for sylvix so this will have to do!!!! im sorry sylvain i keep spelling ur name as slyvain 😂 本とにすごいです!!ありがとうsylvix!!! よつの図面ありますで、来年はsylvixをもとドロシーます!!!!

44 141

sadly I dont have a lot of them but I really!! love sylvix!! and hope I'll draw more of them in 2020 :')

260 555