Sky Bride

The yellow hair color shining dressed in white gown with blue ribbon, the prettiness is same like when the weather sunny in the blue sky with clouds.

5 37

DTIYS Abbie Base

Cute high school girl mascot of an Indonesia Artist Base . She'll do her best as much as she can do to support local artist.

22 79

Locked Realm of Dream

One of many mysterious door that lead into another unknown, it's sudden appearance in magic hour known as a way into the Realm of Dream.

31 147

Prediksi Cuaca Ueza-chan

Sen, 20-3-2022
Dari Kembangan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Cuaca hari ini meski akan berawan seharian tapi suhu udara akan cukup panas hingga malam nanti.
Semangat produktif! semangat selalu!

2 3

Prediksi Cuaca Ueza-chan

Min, 19-3-2022
Dari Kembangan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Prediksi hari ini cuaca akan terus mendung dengan suhu udara tertinggi 31°C
Selamat menikmati weekend dan sehat selalu~!

5 6

Prediksi Cuaca Ueza-chan

Sab, 18-3-2022
Dari Kembangan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Prediksi hari ini akan terus berawan dengan banyak hembusan angin.
Jangan lupa istirahat yang cukup untuk jaga tubuh tetap prima

2 3

Prediksi Cuaca Ueza-chan

Kam, 16-3-2022
Dari Kembangan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Perlahan hari ini mulai menghangat karena angin sudah mulai berganti berhembus dari timur
Nikmati harimu dan jangan lupa untuk berolahraga

6 8

Prediksi Cuaca Ueza-chan

Rab, 15-3-2022
Dari Kembangan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Hari ini cuaca akan dingin seperti kemarin dan terus berawan hingga esok hari
Jangan kesehatan selalu dan tetap produktif~!

4 8

Prediksi Cuaca Ueza-chan

Sel, 14-3-2022
Dari Kembangan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Diawali dengan hujan pagi hari dan seterusnya suhu sekitar akan lebih dingin.
Jangan lupa untuk tetap jaga kesehatan~!

3 5

Memories of Mine

A precious memories of someone, the journey and struggle, are written and illustrated into a book.

Special thanks to Lena for all

12 19

Prediksi Cuaca Ueza-chan

Sab, 11-3-2022
Dari Kembangan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Cuaca berawan diprediksi akan terjadi selama seharian penuh.
Jangan lupa berolah raga dan penuhi kebutuhan nutrisi~!

1 4

Ramalan Cuaca Ueza-chan

Sen, 6-3-2022
Dari Kembangan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Pengendapan air hari ini lebih rendah dan cuaca akan lebih cerah dari hari sebelumnya.
Jangan lupa untuk jaga kesehatan selalu~

4 5

Ueza-chan Weather Forecast

Sat, 4-3-2022
From Kembangan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Today will be cool with high precipitation, so don't forget your umbrella and raincoat!
Please stay healthy and keep yourself warm~

6 19

I'm just reading (KM)

"Is there another thing again? Going out with you? Sure."

So, any request for fan art? Let me try it with this style. Commission!? Big YESSS!

8 19

Nocturnal Sun

In this winter, the place with less density of population such a highland a rare phenomenon happens. That mountain now glowing white while it's 2 AM here, like seeing heaven descended.


9 21

Winter Resort (Base)

Yeah, it took long time because I decided to use my old technique (layering) to improve the colorization. Here's the basic color one. Get ready to be surprised with full color render at 7 AM +7 UTC

0 4

Pixel Illustration Adventure

"With my stylus and phone, I will explore many dimension and capture many beautiful things with my pixel art!"
- TomorukaMR

8 15

Kessoku Band Live at Starry

The band now unified and have success pass the audition, we will wait next week for the real one!

6 14

Night Futsal

Me and my neighborhoods going out together to have sweet and some fun. Long time I didn't play it and ofc, my leg got cramps...

5 18

DIY Green Rooftop

It's a great weather for gardening, the view is good too! Thought it will be hot but in this high wind will frequently come to keep you cool.

4 13