Sender sedang cari 3-4 responden untuk wawancara singkat (mungkin sekitar 15-30 menit) tentang busana dan design dari Wanderer!!

Kriteria nya:
1. Perempuan
2. Umur 20-25 tahun
3. Bermain genshin impact
4. Domisili Jabodetabek
5. Menyukai/ main (cont..)

2 3

Tehe! Si lanang udh sehat 🤲🏻🤲🏻 terus vision nya udah di kembali Bapak yah🥰 rugi lanang kmrn ga ikut event makan" liyue, bisa liat tabibito masak, dimasakin tabibito, makan sama tabibito

3 23

hello, tabibito! aku lagi dapat daily commission, nih. it said, “find your new kawanbabu as many as possible” :o fyi, aku ar 57 with yanfei as my main! nah, siapa yang mau bantu aku biar commission-nya accomplished? by the way, i would love to have so many lesbian (cont..)

0 1

konbanwa, tabibitotachi! sender mau nyari kawanbabu. sender udah legal, baik hati, wibu akut, green flag, dan suka jokes bapak bapak. minusnya lecet dikit tapi LCD aman.

homophobe and minor dni dulu ya. drop a trace, I'll hyu :D freepass klo kmu cewe+pecinta wanita teyvat. ;)

1 15

Greetings, Tabibito! I'm on a mission to find my new kawanbabu who want to accompany me on my journey. For a little info, I'm Ganyu and Cyno main ((also future Arlecchino main)) and currently on my AR44. Before that, make sure you're not under 17 and homophobic. Drop (cont..)

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Good evening tabibito! I'm looking for genshinmoots to enliven my timeline. Currently childe and furina main. I goes by any pronouns and legal age. Kindly leave a trace and i'll hyu! homophobic and minor dni.

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Good evening tabibito! I'm looking for kawanbabu to enliven my timeline. Currently childe and furina main. I goes by any pronouns and legal age. Kindly leave a trace and i'll hyu! homophobic and minor dni.

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happy mondaaay, howdy-do, tabibito? this is me looking for a lot of new kawanbabu hehey. i have reached ar 57 with yanfei—currently using keqing—as my signature character. i hype the lesbianism in gaynshin impact 👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏻 and other things such as (cont..)

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babu! selamat malam tabibito, salam dari pipi mochi sho🤏

1 67

Babu! Para tabibito, udah merayakan lantern rite yang keberapa nih?

Sender udah yang ke-4 🥰 bedanya dulu temen2 masih pada main skrg udah pada pensi jd belakangan fotonya sendiri aja 🥲

6 102

Cw// potential garem geram
Babu! Bahagia itu sangat sederhana ya para tabibito sekalian

0 5

babu! tabibito-san sapa yang ready buat lantern rite hari ni cungggg!

saya saya sayaaa

1 12

helloo there, tabibito! im looking for some new kawanbabu here. i do really love electro chara esp raiden ei n yae miko, but i also love genshin woman(s). currently i main raiden shogun and soon to be yae miko main! my account is unlabeled n i mostly tweet abt games. (cont..)

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babu! hobi tabibito nambah lagi, sekarang ngambilin hasil panen teh orang 👍

0 14

Babu! Merry Christmas buat para tabibito semua~ art by sender wanderer cosplay jadi rusa santa 🦌🎅🎄

2 9

Hellow tabibito ku tersayang~ Sender sedang mencari kawanbabu utk meramaikan tl yg sepi seperti dompet sender /j/. Sender She/Her, Furina main (buat skrng) Legal yahh, barudak (gacha) game hoyo. Kadang akun isi sambat, meme gaje / anime jd mohon dimaklumi yah 🤏👊 (cont..)

0 3

hello, tabibito-san! good time to be kawanbabu between us, eh? i'm on my ar 57 as yanfei main, but i'm still on my hiatus era (i'm about to play it again). genshin impact aside, i also talk about taylor swift and mobile legend. sapphic and navia wanter do claim your (cont..)

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genshinart by sender

mengapa tabibito harus memilih 🥰

1 6

Hi Tabibito! Since my timeline is getting dry, now I'm on a mission to find more Kawanbabu. Any volunteers? I'll go by he/him as my pronounce, and I'm on my legal age. Now I'm on AR60, Atlet spiral abuse & electro lovers. Homophobic strictly dni & Clorinde simp get your freepass.

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selamat malam! i’m looking for kawanbabu. currently ar 57, wawan and lyney main! homophobic n minor dni yaa sorryy :<, please kindly leave a trace and i’ll hit u up first. see yaa tabibito-san ( ◠‿◠ )

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