Hey Hey frens. Have YOU claimed YOUR free I love all of mine. Every mint come with a pixelated friend 💛

8 17


💰 any price
🌮 tacos rule
✍️comment tez address for free taco airdrop👀
🔥 burn your free taco for mystery NFT
do u even taco?

37 184

Quick Question!
Left Or Right King or Taco?

5 Lucky People to comment get Spicelist (WL) GL 😆

7 20

Did you know that every you mint grants you a FREE Pixel Taco? 🤯
These are my latest pixel mints:

8 21

(honestly thinking of redoing aaron's body design again.. i change it so much lol)
dino fursuit of some sort?? partial maybe? pachy or psittaco?
pokemon suit? maybe cupid the sandshrew/nidoran m?

1 3

I also ate someones taco???? And I was SO afraid???? alsO, why tf was the school reunion at my house????

0 1

Will you share your Taco? I hungy

Art by @/NahokoVeta love this doggo!!!

2 28

Okay, wine mom ha dado un buen consejo y quiero tomarlo, pero no sé si me responderá gente ;;

¿Hay algo por lo que creéis que destaco? ¿Algo que os haya llamado la atención y que no se ve tan a menudo?
Positivo, neutro o negativo, solo quiero saber si destaco en algo.

1 1

It's already December.
my is ready for hollyday 😁
He wants to play on snow

What about your Taco?

2 10

doodle from a few days ago of a...taco?

1 1

que harian si tako les regala un taco? oc de ❤️

25 243

Okie! 😋 How about a taco? 😍❤️❤️

0 1