Solo pensar en la desesperación que tuvo que tener Euihyun a tal punto de querer quitarse la vida con su hermanito 🥺🥺 cuantas veces dejaría de comer por alimentarlo, que cosas habrá tenido que pasar antes de que Taeju lo encontrara 🥺 la verdad es muy triste todo.

0 4

"Olvida todas las tonterías que dijiste como de costumbre, ¡lo tomaré prestado sin más preámbulos! "

Yo nose como se van a arreglar estos dos porque euihyun no quiere saber nada de taeju y le tiene mucho miedo

17 450

Twitter is just where I store stills of my Insta stories now I guess

Taejun and Jun’s kid (#2): Baek Kyoei

3 8

2023 여태주 생일 카페 커미션 🫶🏻✨
✨커미션 감사합니다
Taeju’s cafe commission work display, thank you very much and hope you enjoy the party 🎉

There will also be extra paintings 😉✨

142 791

I'm so glad you said that💖💖💖💖It's still like a dream🥹💕
I'm drawing another illustration of Taeju. Please look forward to that, too

0 1

euihyun didn't wanna get into the car bcs it reminded him of that time when taeju drove him to the brothel 😭

31 590

i love protective taeju🥺

25 412

Low Tide in Twilight spoiler //

Taeju: Are you just going to give Euiyoung to that man who left?!
Euihyun: Why? Are you worried that one of your weaknesses will disappear?

Taeju is just trying to protect the two of them and doesn't want them to be separated 💔

72 808

I hope this is the beginning of the development of Taeju Euihyun's relationship in a better direction ❤️

7 50

I tried to deliver the flowers, but I guess I felt bad when I saw Taeju's expression🤣🤣🤣🤣💕

0 3

taeju: i should go home

/ and the home he went to was euihyun's place 😭

284 4089

- Do you like me? Do you love me? Fuck, this is as absurd and ridiculous as it is insignificant.
Kim Euhyun cries and remembers what Taeju did:
- It can't be love. It doesn't have to be love. boy, completely broken

11 78

Taeju wants to talk to Euhyun, wants to explain himself in front of him. Omega:
- Taeju, you don't have to make excuses, just pay for it. After all, we have such a relationship.
- Kim Euhyun, I thought about you all day yesterday. I like you.

11 88

Ya estoy sufriendo...💔💔💔
TaeJu: lo hice porque me gustabas
Euihyun: Usa el dinero para convertirme en una prostituta... Esto no puede ser amor 🥺
No podría haber elegido un mejor momento para confesar 🤦🏻👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼💔

1 10

Taeju ya reaccionó y se dio cuenta de lo que hizo.
Aparece el papá omega del hermanito. Que no se lo lleve porfavor 🥺🥺🥺

9 38

TaeJu: I did that because I liked you…😣

Eui Hyun: Use money to turn me into a prostitute. This can't be love💔

24 132

taeju and euihyun's version 😂

4 115