Don’t mind me, just collecting all the times Kotetsu looks at Bunny like he hung the moon and stars, even when Bunny isn’t even realizing it

He’s SO whipped OMG

32 133

I see this & raise you the trajectory Bunny uses as he rushes to Kotetsu’s side at the end of episode 23, at the potential cost of losing his leg

Maybe I’m reading too much into this but it looks like he’s drawing a path from his star to Kotetsu’s

13 62

I declare myself a Taibani fan account to cope with my sadness.

240 709

I'm not crying into my fried rice, you are... ;w;;

Tagging just in case

187 416

Okay but remember this promo art for The Beginning?

If everything must have a beginning, then it must also have an ending, right? RIGHT???

And a 3rd movie to make a trilogy would only make sense right????

3 14

"Are you happy?"

Soooo Cour 2 destroyed me :)))))))))) and I did a quick sketchy thing to celebrate that

368 873

Excuse me but that sounds suspiciously like a proposal I said what I said

And she said « okay »


1 6

This is the first time I cry for some Taibani villains 😭

0 7

In all this life threatening chaos, they keep reaching to each other, even if it means crawling, even if they can’t move 😭

2 13

maybe the real journey was the rainchecks we took along the way 🥲

22 64

Yeah this is just not leaving my mind anytime soon let me tell you

1 8