Premier e ministro avrebbero dovuto testimoniare al processo sulla morte del giovane ricercatore torturato e ucciso in Egitto
Meloni e Tajani evitano i giudici: "Segreti i colloqui con al-Sisi"

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— In an unprecedented move, Italian PM Giorgia Meloni & Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani have been called as witnesses on April 3 by the Judge of the preliminary hearing in the case of who was tortured & murdered by security forces in 2016.
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Almost didn’t make it in time but tis the borthday of my fave video game Otaku n best boi Hirotaka Nifuji 🥺

[#hirotakanifuji ]

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Muistan ensimmäisen kevätjuhlani, kauniin opettajani Toive Pekkarisen ja paperin. Tiesin, että se oli tärkeä, mutta en ymmärtänyt sitä. Päätin, että äiti kertoo.
Mitä sinä muistat?

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