Recordatorio de que Misty es creación de Satoshi Tajiri y Takeshi Shudo, solo consideró a ella y a Brock como acompañantes de Ash y las piedras principales de Anipoke.

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Code: Nova

A forced union between Ultra Necrozma and Sun Tajiri by merging into a Ultra Space Vortex. The person no longer exists, only the beast remains.

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Um dos únicos jogos com suporte para o acessório Super Famicom Mouse, o puzzle-platformer de 1993 Mario & Wario foi projetado por Satoshi Tajiri e desenvolvido pela Game Freak – que anos depois seria conhecida pela franquia Pokémon.

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On est d'accord même si "techniquement" pour 1996, Pokémon était un jeu lui aussi anachronique à dessein. À ce sujet, je vous recommande la biographie de Satoshi Tajiri traduit par votre serviteur (oui, je place ma pub, vous allez faire quoi ? 😄)

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I posted this guy in a thread but not separately -- Tajiri, a cub with a lot of ambition and loyalty to his pride and maybe a little too much greed. Created for TLK-Permanence!

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Pokémon/ポケットモンスター (Pocket Monsters in Japan) started as an RPG video game & is now the world's biggest IP! Thank you Satoshi Tajiri for creating fantastic creatures that will be loved for generations! I loved making this

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Meet the cast of Sincerely, Your Dearest Friend!

First up: the familiar-looking Kikuda Aoto (CV: Ono Yuuki) and Tajiri Miku (CV: Kanemoto Hisako).

Kikuda is an average student in Tokyo who regularly writes letters to his childhood friend, while Tajiri keeps in touch via PHS...

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"Book of Tajiri's Ass" by
Just Tajiri's ass and nothing else. The full color illustrations are fantastic, with beautiful butts galore!🍑🍑🍑

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【Out Now!】🥳

"Book of Tajiri's Ass" by

The artbook full of Tajiri's plump ass is out now, complete with a wide variety of outfits for enhanced enjoyment!


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5/1 にて 選手襲来‼️のイラストです( ´ー`)


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5/1観に行くので描きました(´- `*) 「DONTAKU VAI!」
そして、#GLEAT との試合は正式決定なのかどうなのか🤔決定なら足さないと…🤔

選手 選手 選手 選手

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Did you know? The pokemon zubat is named after Kaiketsu Zubat (1977) bc the director of Pokemon Red and Green Satoshi Tajiri hated the show as a kid and wanted to replace what ppl thought when hearing the name of the hero, thus making it a pre evolution and a very common pokemon.

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完全に栄造さん( )に影響されました。頑張れ非アイドル部!

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One of the coolest was a spiteful joke. A little misconception people get about Porygon and why it exists...

Simply because Tajiri was told he couldn't put 3D graphics into a gameboy game.

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誰か背景センスをください_(:3 」∠)_

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Back in 1996, several of us started a journey by selecting one partner that would become our friend through an adventure filled with surprises. These amazing memories all came true thanks to Satoshi Tajiri. Happy Birthday Pokemon.

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The weekend is near! I feel like completing my Pokedex tasks at 100%. Have you catch Arceus yet? I just got him yesterday 😬
characters © Satoshi Tajiri / Nintendo

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