[Manga] recupera el manga Real de Takehiko Inoue en una nueva edición que comenzará a publicar el próximo 30 de marzo.

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Acabo de Terminar este Redraw de esta parte de la intro de JoJo's HFTF, pero en esta ocasión reemplazando a los personajes con mangakas...

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I was able to order Illustrations volume 1 for a decent price. However acquiring Illustrations volume 2 will be harder, Amazon is asking €144.99.

I hope there will be a reprint soon 🙏


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E a proposito di Sport al
Il 3 Dicembre arriverà nelle sale giapponesi il film revival di
A scriverlo e dirigerlo, lo stesso

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Me, a non sports fan, drew a Hanamichi cause holy cow do I love Slam Dunk.

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"WASTED YOUTH" - Had he not wasted those years, imagine what a player he would be, Mitsui from Slam Dunk by the legendary Inoue Takehiko! What is your opinion about him?

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My SLAM DUNK fanart to pay tribute to the legendary Mr. Takehiko Inoue. Can't wait to see the film!! What do you guys think about this piece? Far from original? Of course, lol!!

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