No I did not make silly machine gun noises all night while painting this 😉🤥😂😂😂

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Mutalith day 9. Horns 'n spines 'n claws. All need tightening up. I'll call it now, going be done for day 12. You guy's who have stuck with me so far, thank you! I understand how bored you must be!

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Mutalith day 6. It's gone wrong. I learnt a lesson in colour theory. This orange colour started out pink. It's still meant to be. Turns out a yellow wash 'For shading' tints the whole thing. Oops.

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Mutalith day 5. Monday morning. Everyone back in work. It's early, it's dark, it sucks. But, hey, at least you haven't got to go and fight a 50 ft mutant with 6 drippy tongues today.

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Mutalith day 4. I know its early on a Sunday but... well, twitter, I started on the soft fleshy underbelly, one thing lead to another, and... now it's time we got very... licky.

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