of fun chilling with you. I hope wawa gets better soon. and I also hope you can unite with the cattos soon! I'll stream Fever Night to heal you swiftly! Enjoy your foof wawa 🧡🧡🧡

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just not the movie. Why am I mentioning this? Because couple weeks ago you were shocked that so many old core KFP members didn't watch LOTR with you yet. Now it happened again which I find is a super funny coincidence 😆 I loved it though even w/o the movie I had tons o

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there are so many cool and cute expressions!!

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omg my oshis voice acting is so good and she looks so cute!! ahhh. I loved all the reaction faces she did. The ending where she is touching grass was very soothing as well. I loved this! Thank you! VIVA LA KIARA 🧡🧡🧡#talkwawa

1 7

Why the crying face? Do you not want to be austrian anymore?

0 2

I love it too and I'll definitely buy it! I will take this with me to all the cons I'm planning to visit this year

0 15

ayy cool news! I'm hype to see my oshi performing all kind of dances! I hope Wawa can use the model with the popo buff though. But really unfortunate time for EU gang😭😭😭 Anyway, Thanks for the stream I loved it! Ur high energy really made this collab so good!

0 4

last round was really close and exciting! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY KIARA!! I LOVE YOU! I hope you have tons of fun and receive lots of love! See you later!

0 5

Wawa! What a cool stream! I only guessed 1 person right which was Moona. It's really funny how some bags don't match the personality (or at least the personality on stream) so there were so many surprises! I say it again: Your streaming idea is awesome! Can't wait for

0 5

gab es irgendwelche wichtigen announcements? Bin hier grad voll verwirrt 🤣

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Einfach nur niedlich! Wawa love 🧡🧡🧡

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Star Wars was one of them. Or did you wanna save them for when you’re with your Dog Wife?

0 12

is always sad to hear when bullying can traumatize someone so much that they change their entire appearance. I'm glad you girls don't care about stuff like this anymore. You are perfect the way you are. Also I'm forehead gang anyway!😎Thx 4 absolutely amazing stream!

1 1

Very excited for this stream.

0 32

kusogaki cat.
TBH I didn't know wet food dispensers were a thing but it sounds useful. I'd imagine they'd be expensive though. Also good morning wawa.

1 14

Is that overconfidence I hear 😬
This cannot possibly end badly. lol

That was a fun fire emblem stream, boss. Have fun cooking yourself up some good dinner. Cannot wait for Girlstalk and the Pavonashi date!

1 24

that was such a unique stream! We're flatten by your ironing skill!

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About 9 hours from now huh. Well If I'm up I'll try to catch it but otherwise I might be vod gang. Have fun ironing clothes domestic housewife wawa. (I think like 10 goslings were made at the thought of "housewife wawa") Goodnight lol

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