Day 5: lovesick ❤️

except it’s more like reunion lol. Based on the story behind Tanabata🎋

this may also be my last contribution, thanks for all the love on my kacchako pieces this week!!

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A little early here but it’s the 7th in Japan!! Happy tanabata🎋💫 from Lescrow!!! 🧸🦔❤️!!

I wish I had more of a meaningful caption to say seeing as I’ve been waiting for ages to post this one comm but just know tanabata is a very special day for these two!!
💕💕 hehe

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"If you're planning to run away, that's not gonna happen..."

Today's China's Qixi Festival (kinda like Valentine / Tanabata🎋), so treat it as a kind of a powerful confession from He Tian🥺💕 Mo don't run away from yrself anymore...

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🎋Happy Tanabata🎋

Esta noche fue del encuentro de los amantes de la vía láctea, Orihime y Hikoboshi, en Japón, se celebra escribiendo un deseo en un trozo de papel de colores ~ Qué pediríais? nvn/

Tomad un sketchito rápido de la Shúrei ~

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ปล. เลทอีกแล้ว เพราะลืมวันลืมคืน...

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