Theory: Tyari is probably going to be the Targon exclusive champion of Set 7

- The Dragonmancer Pass ends on June 27, so it can be implied that the next expansion is on June 28

- They rotated all Taric follower cards except Tyari

- June 28 is International LGBT Pride Day

58 758

Ladies, gentleman, they/them's may I present to you Targon and Gargrax my funny new sona

New sona ref by

10 29

Targon joins the battle

finally some guys in skirts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 11

Han takes his final steps up the Targon mountain once more... I don't play league of legends but my friend (derogitory) Made me a ref sheet for Aspect of Rebellion Han and I have been meaning to make this since forever. Thanks Breastie!

2 6


0 5

Say Hello to Targon Crystal College's newest freshman

3 28

Day & Night 🌤️🌌

Panya Phrommaphan 🌟
Thai dress and Stargonnafly clothes (Color ver.)

2 8

New Targon cards illust(3/3):
- Xolaani The Bloodweaver
- Xolaani, Aspect's Bane

7 17

New Targon cards illust(2/3):
- Seraphic Wyvern
- Winged Messenger
- Lawkeeper
- Mihira, Aspect of Justice

3 15

New Targon cards illust(1/3):
- Purifying Flames
- Celestial Blessing
- Divine Clerk

1 17

New Targon cards illust: Kayle
- Kayle (lv1/lv2)
- Divine Judgment

1 20

Kayle lvl 1: "The Demacians know her as the Winged Protector, but those of us who live under the vault of stars in Targon know her as the daughter of Justice, bearing divine purpose and a sword of starfire." - Lorekeeper Skai'en

49 452

Laylana is my beloved baby and is a shuriman priestess, turned aspect of the stars when she climbed up tArgon to save her tribe. She ventured to Ionia afterwards to help there, met Akali, fell in love and both have an adoptive Son called Jiyu. I even designed some skins for her

0 2

Kayle finalmente chegando no LOR. Eu to muito ansiso... 🛐

Desde que a Kayle se arrependeu de suas ações e voou para Targon Prime, nunca mais foi vista. E isso em Runeterra foi a mais de 1000 anos

Pode ser que ela tenha um visual e persolidade um pouco diferente da Kayle do LOL

15 303

- Haunted Husk (Shadow Isles)
- Warded Husk (Shurima)
- Enraged Husk (Targon)
- Thrashing Husk (Bilgewater)

16 121

NEW: M16 - Targonite-3 😈

29 582

All the new Darkin hosts in LoR from the info I've gathered from Riot fizzNchips and Aron Elekes, the writer and artist responsible for them.
* Horazi - Targonian golem
* Joraal - Lady Fortis' son
* Naganeka - Noxian beast
* Taarosh - Shadow Isles dragon

114 1312

D tds os conceitos do Sett, esse aqui foi meu favorito, imagina q doido se o mano fosse um Aspecto da Força de Targon? Seria mt brabo

0 4

The Darkin Harp: As the Targonians pondered where they should scatter the Darkin weapons, one of their kind suggested the lands that would become known as Zaun. Buried deep within the walls of the cavernous and winding passageways would be perfect, they assumed. 1/2

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