9/24 東京ビッグサイトで開催される軍令部酒保にサークル参加します!

①秘書艦 鹿島さん(既刊) 500円
②大色紙           2000円
③ミニ色紙          500円
 当日は売り子さんの佑(@tasuku0127 )さんがワシントンRQでお手伝いして下さります⭐️

26 111


④ R動体様(
⑤ すめらぎ様(
⑥ 華糸タスク様(#tasuku_Q )

56 340

YA LORD,,, TASUKU-- //staring respectfully

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Happy trans visibility day! Posting trans Tasuku again for the occasion 🙏

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one tasuku but is from memory so all the details are wrong

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Tasuku forgor, but Reni rembers...

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If nobody got me, I know Tasuku got me. Can I get an amen?

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Tasuku was hit by a truck driven by Homare!

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Tasuku with Momo and Yuki
Tasuku and Momo would love playing football together and they would definitely try and drag Yuki to join them. Tasuku would bond with Yuki over acting though :')

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Tasuku was sent to hell for shipping two characters who have never interacted!

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The LGBT community has forgiven Tasuku!

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Tonari no Oneesan ga Suki (manga)

Tasuku has a crush on Shia, a film-loving neighbor and childhood friend 3 years older than him. To better understand and get closer to her, he watches movies with her every week.

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Can’t believe that Tasuku and Harward are voiced by Soma Saito. Buddy police, let’s goo!

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Tasuku is a clever choice for The Hierophant because, well, DWB. This is even reflected in Takatsu's character.

Tasuku is often hesitant to try something new. His doubt throughout DWB is because of this, Tasuku is hesitant to try on-screen acting-

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Tasuku is actually 10 dogs in a trenchcoat.

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Tsumugi (VA Atsushi Tamura) from A3

Precious boy who deserves all the love in the world. Willing to he in a 3p with him and Tasuku

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Tasuku pushed Haruto off a swing!

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Tasuku is grinding on Fortnite!

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