Full name is Masono TatoMallow tho MasoTato for short :3

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Hewwo im MasoTato im a smol potato shaped marshmallow soft creature. I am prince of the cloud kingdom and do have a human form as well tho usually i just am myself. I would call myself pretty unique since im the only TatoMallow that streams hehe.

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Im MasoTato. Usually im a small potato demon creature called a TatoMallow but i can turn into a humanoid. I go by Alistair when im in my human form. Im the ruler of the cloud kingdom and came here from another world... also i inhereted the power of a eldritch god after eatin it.

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Im MasoTato i am a TatoMallow and im very soft and fluffy. I love gaming and shanking. Im the king of the cloud kingdom and love causing Chaos UwU thats prolly teh most important info hehe.

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