Modern taxonomy is more about collaboration than ever! Here are some of the 83 I've described with *incredible* colleagues, especially Frank Glaw, Miguel Vences, Jörn Köhler, , and

Full list here:

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The fairy tree frog (Charadrahyla chaneque) is a species of frog in the family Hylidae endemic to Mexico, I did a sketch last year. Happy

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This is Oxycanus flavoplumosus, a species I named just last month. It is found only in the montane ecosystems of eastern NSW, Australia, where it flies during autumn rainfall.
The article can be read here in full:

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Did you know that the name 'Bathygnathus' currently has priority over the name 'Dimetrodon' until an opinion on the reversal of precedence is published by ?

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no.78, and Not only wasps, but new species of wasp food are also continually being described by taxonomists. I love the name of this butterfly from Colombia, Splendeuptychia mercedes, described by

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In 1862, Darwin acknowledged to the botanist Asa Gray that "I know almost as well as you, that systematic work is the foundation of everything"

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Sidnie Manton FRS is our woman scientist today. Read her paper in Arthropod phylogeny: a modern synthesis. Phylogenies are of course used by taxonomists!

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