After doing some and fanart I needed to fill in the gap, so time for some as the Sally Ride finds an admirer...

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Wait, the t-shirt the Doctor is wearing in this photo looks familiar...... 😲

The Dallen-Doctor conspiracy continues!

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Love, across all time and space. I hope they're having the grandest of adventures together.

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Drew a happy Roko after finishing last week's ep, 'cause it was sorely needed. The world needs more happy Roko.

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In one episode they talk about bad choices in companions and the Corsair commented " That's why I stick to cats generally."#ericstbdrpg

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So The Master on is a hobo now.
And ... yeup I still love him
you never fail to be amazing

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“What have you done...”
Thanks for echoing one of my top most heart breaking moments in all of television

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Bravo to and for those doctor/master moments, I cried, well done

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first one is 100% how I've imagined Finn this entire time, and then we have of course both Finn and Roko!

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A tribute to the Master of since has been playing one of my all-time fav villains utterly brilliantly

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"Tick tock goes the clock,
He cradled and he rocked her.
Tick tock goes the clock,
'Til River kills the Doctor."

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