TCF week day 5: Time
I drew our innocent boy Choi Han when he was first spawned in the forest of darkness and current Choi Han 🌚
This was a messy drawing so I improvised a bit w the colors 😳 hope you like it 😳😳

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LCF Week - day 5

“You’re never too young to die.”
- Anthony Horowitz

(Please don’t kill me)

11 51

day 4: treasure ✨💛
For this day I drew Cale and his precious children 💛💛💛

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LCF Week - day 2

“Never forget who was there for you when no-one else was.”
- Ritu Ghatourey

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Lcf week- day 1

"You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it"

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"You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it"
-Alan Moore
TCF week Day 1

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