Late-night post to reveal the LAST CONTESTANT FOR TOTAL DRAMA NATIONAL TOUR: M O T I ! 💖

When it's not so 🌙⭐️late-night⭐️🌙 I'm gonna make a biiiiig ol' master post showing off the complete cast!!! :D🤜💥

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feat. an alternate-reality version of me where I never moved on from my high school drip. 🥵🤌

Or my high school ~personality~ 😂 Don't worry, I'd never make a g o o d self-insert. This is Jonah in permanent wacky theater kid modE HAHA

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Another two!!✌️ 13/22 complete, and they're a pair of my favs! 💘😊💘 (+ some changes to Brock and Chip)

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