Em nome do paizão, do filho e do espírito Sousuke amém. 💙🦈💙🦈💙🦈💙🦈 https://t.co/qplZSxt0Gg

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O Todo-Poderoso 💙🦈💙🦈💙🦈💙🦈 e sua trajetória IMPECÁVEL no ICL, relembrar sempre é bom
💙🦈 https://t.co/4jIrW2BXuG

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Parabéns aos teams 🧡🦦 💛🐧 🤍🦆 e 💙🦈 chegaram ao top e reta final do 1° ICL 🧡💛🤍💙🧡💛🤍💙🦦🐧🦆🦈🧡🦦💛🐧🤍🦆💙🦈💙🤍💛🧡 https://t.co/YNWqwIeyo5

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Thank you all for your support in this battle. Regardless of the result, it was incredible... Now let's support the Samezuka team

🤍🦆 https://t.co/LQGSxyyoBC

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Tomorrow is the big day! Hope you're all ready to vote, from 5pm to 11pm (UTC-3) via Google Forms 😉
💙🦈 https://t.co/TyTJSA4cRN

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No momento, n tenho amizade com ninguém do Team rival, depois de muita porrada e baixaria nessa disputa, eu e meus amgs Rin Stans estaremos assim
💙🦈 VS ❤️🦈

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As rivals, they don’t give each other anything. So it will be exciting on Sunday. Don't forget to vote!
❤️🦈 vs 💙🦈 https://t.co/1LZvAdPuEk

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Perder não é uma opção viável, 💙🦈 vai lutar até o fim, vamooo paizão https://t.co/c9pmYLUF7k

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Since I've said one Mikoshiba was enough, I guess the same goes for the Kirishimas - sorry Natsuya, I'll pay you a drink sometime.
I respect your loyalty to your allies, Tono. That's why 💙🦈 is gonna support 💚🐊 this sunday, from 10am to 4pm (UTC-3)! https://t.co/FLR9Upx0SQ

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You see: one Mikoshiba is good - two Mikoshibas is a bit too much. Besides, I've met Natsuya before and I can't deny it, the guy is awesome. Hope you're somewhat like your brother, Kirishima.
This saturday, from 5pm to 11pm (UTC-3), 💙🦈 supports 💜🦢! https://t.co/GvTfm9Vaps

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Good morning 🌄 since we'll have four more duels on the Last16 this weekend, might as well announce who I'll be rooting for 😌
This saturday, from 10am to 4pm (UTC-3), 💙🦈 supports 🤍🦆! https://t.co/eDxQyuygR6

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Last voting for today!
I'm really sorry, Gou-chan - but I can't risk it to have you facing Momo in the future. It's for your own sake, trust me.
So, to save Gou from having to battle against Momo, 💙🦈 supports ❤️🦁 today, from 5pm to 11pm (UTC-3)! https://t.co/gZWOx8satU

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Hoje estou mt empenhado em dar forças a melhor equipe, a da Samezuka por isso forçass
💙🦈 https://t.co/hvq3yH86fH

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Agora isso aqui vai pegar fogo🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥, e quero deixar claro que desde já lutarei pra esses 4 avançarem
💙🦈 https://t.co/h1qWuwIn6j

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Em nome do paizão, do filho yamazaki e do espirito Sousuke amem. VLW TIMEEEE, VCS SÃO TUDO DE BOM https://t.co/dDk8gp3AQz

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ai Seijuro na moral te adoro demais, porém vc deu mt azar de cair no grupo da morte com meus amados então o old né
❤️🦁 https://t.co/PkZ9CZJzd6

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Vem tranquilo vem tranquilo que o ja tá pronto pra porradaria o paizão vem aí pra dominar
Vamo que vamo https://t.co/8hzrptvzJ3

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Can I count on you to vote a lot to help our amazing Sousuke to advance the stage on May 9th from 5pm to 11pm (UTC-3)???
💙🦈 https://t.co/lFaqfFwqFr

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a pior possivel de todas pra mim seria o 💙🦈 💛🐧 ❤️🦁 e 🧡🦦 pq de certa forma seria bem ruim 2 deles serem eliminados logo de cara https://t.co/Km06ZMCBZg

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