I don't normally post WIPs here, but these are trying times.😔So here's a few Tech things I'm working on. I've started calling him Mini Tech.🧡 ~

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It's the finale! on Tour- Liverpool. Always a lorra lorra laffs with northerners! Packed room and great panel 🎉🎉🎉

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Based on 2,700+ survey responses - a snapshot of 2017 https://t.co/F9m2r25CAu

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Hands Free, Head Free (digital illustration)

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ということでコミックマーケット88(C88)の頒布物情報を更新しました。 http://t.co/TzS69ahQbF
東工プロジェクトとTechnation RecordsのコラボCDを頒布します!是非とも1日目東テ03bに文字数

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