As the M20 line continues to explore, it's not Marauders or Technocrats we should be looking at...

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Are high profile digital tycoons
and tech moguls today
Any different from the ruthless Industrialists and greedy Businessmen of the past❔

Robber Barons
Captains of Industry
▪︎2 0 2 2▪︎

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The global coup d'etat is increasingly seen as orchestrated by Technocrats for the purpose of implementing Technocracy.

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And I am sure the super-wealthy and CEOs of Global Corporations will lead by example on this right? When I see politicians and technocrats place the same restrictions on themselves that they would mandate for us ... I’ll take notice. Until then ...

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Technocrats are already brain storming on upcoming pandemic/bio-terror thereat and responses.

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Technocrats of the Imagination
Art, Technology, and the Military-Industrial Avant-Garde
John Beck
Ryan Bishop on collaborations btw US avant-garde art world & military-industrial complex in 1960s in venues like Bell Labs, RAND looks fascinating

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The dangers of cycling which are not protected by a helmet
Just like confinement some tardy technocrats invent rules
Because they have been bitten by a pen or a mouse
We should be allowed to live fully
And die gallantly
Meanwhile enjoy the perspectives
Art by Lorenzo di Mauro

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