Repost (cus I’m dummy dum) I was able to participate in an artists telephone with talented artists! Here is my entry, pls follow everyone else who participated they are very talented, I will tag them in the replies!🤗💗💗💗

11 26

Art Telephone Game with so many amazing artists! 💖 this was so fun, enjoyed participating in this and meeting new friends! They’re tagged in this thread, hope you can check out their works too! ✨

10 25

Did an art telephone thingy w some mutuals :•D pls look at how started and how it ended (read top left corner to right) bc we made a lot of changes :’-) Everyone’s @ will be in the comments! 🧚🏾‍♀️

🦷 💜

12 43

I had the chance to participate in an art telephone game with some amazing artists here on twit !! We went from a pastel angel to a goth tooth fairy lol 🦷💕

I had so much fun doing this, I hope we do it again!! I’ll link other participants in the replies !! ⭐️

10 30

Hi hello everyone! I participated in an art telephone game with some of my dear friends, and it was a lot of fun! I'll leave everyone's @ in the comments when I can but be sure to go check out everyone's drawings 💗🧚‍♀️🦷

16 46

Participated in an art telephone with these other talented cuties! My froggy has been turned into a TOOTH huhu ;A; sdjfsdf Honestly so much fun and the result was better than I imagined! ahaha

Artist tags will be in the replies! Check these talents out!

9 28