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Tech joke #friday 🤪 smile my dear friends #TGIF
#tech #cloud #SaaS #ArtificialIntelligence #automation #research #digitalhealth #healthtech #healthcare #technology #startups #business #FutureOfWork #Bot #OpenAI #IoT #Telemedicine #mhealth #technology #GenerativeAI #hospital #AI
Multiparameter Monitoring with a Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator
#defibrillator #suddencardiacdeath #telemedicine #heartfailure #wearable
One of the orders that I completed in an unusual style for me. Symbols and icons for the telemedicine company website. Do you know what kind of industry this is? #Telemedicine #Medical
Bila ada gejala spt flu, segera istirahat dan isolasi mandiri selama 5 hari. Tidak harus tes Covid dan tidak harus minum obat antivirus bila hanya gejala ringan, tidak ada komorbid. Konsumsi makanan bernutrisi. Jangan cemas dan panik. Bila dibutuhkan bisa manfaatkan telemedisin.
Telemedicina – Tumor de Hipófise| Neurocirurgião São Paulo: Olá pessoal tudo bem? Autora: Dra. Diana Santana | Equipe NeuroSP No Post de hoje gostaria de falar um pouco sobre a minha experiência atendendo casos de pacientes com Tumores de Hipófise… https://t.co/ORVZPbQczm
How Online Counseling Can Help You Manage Quarantine Mood Swings https://t.co/LMIj9DAxmB #sponsored #counseling #onlinecounseling #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #depression #anxiety #moodswings #quarantine #telehealth #telemedicine #health #healthblog #blog #betterhelp
“The silver lining of the pandemic was the quick transition for primary & outpatient care from traditional doctor visits to #telehealth.”
.@Cornell Professors Weigh in on Pandemic’s Impact on America’s #Healthcare System
#TelemedNow #HCLDR
Good idea, (~LadyHawke😘) @HawkeTexas! Lately I’ve been thinking the same thing. (I only have my #iPhone connected so it’s my wake up alarm, connections to Mom & Drs. Finishing soon w/early #TeleMed so then easy breezy)🌻
#2020TheGreatAwakening (reference pic @OldeHippieDude) https://t.co/kFhQuuevUh
infection is worse than imagined from telemedicine initial evaluation! I now have 10 more days on 2 antibiotics! The surgery couldn’t be done today. It will cost WAY more when it does happen because it’s so involved. This does give me more time to try to raise money though 😞
The Coronavirus Outbreak Could Finally Make Telemedicine Mainstream in the U.S. https://t.co/VexBaJk3HT
Our latest issue is now live - https://t.co/PqPBcCqeLY - with new content on #telemedicine #pancreaticcancer #gastriccancer #cirrhosis #hepB #colorectalcancer #screening and more