The M1 Group is in economic alliances with the Terrorist(SAC).The Telenor network will be monopolized and there will be more offenses of human rights. please,do reanalyze the bond since you are the only one who was with us all these crises.

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Telenor Myanmar is still standing up for our people although losing money economically.We request to NorWay Government to provide assistance on the Telenor Myanmar.

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Though we thank Telenor for standing with us before,we sincerely request to cancel the sale of to M1 group which is corrupt with Human rights. Although it is a commercial sale,Human rights & security must be taken into account.

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We sincerely thanks
For Standing with us while Myanmar's pressuring them to fully implement intercept technology that would let authorities monitor users. We request to cancel sale to M1 group Please consider human rights for us

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Though we thank Telenor for standing with us before,we sincerely request for cancelling sale to M1 group which is corrupt with Human rights.Although it is a commercial sale,Human rights and security must be taken into account.

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