New: , Alex Correa-Metrio, Mónica Carvalho, Jorge Velez-Juarbe, Tomáš Přikryl, Carlos Jaramillo & Jürgen Kriwet – Towards a unifying systematic scheme of fossil and living billfishes (Teleostei, Istiophoridae)

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Nearing the endgame for this 11x14” colored pencil illustration of Argyropelecus aculeatus. The diaphanous rays of the fins are killing me (in a good challenging way). Teleosts, they’re dope! 🐟🐠

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Anatomy and evolution of bioluminescent organs in the slimeheads (Teleostei: Trachichthyidae)
Bacterial perianal and cephalic bioluminescent organs with similar structure likely evolved separately in the trachichthyoid fishes.

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Life as a fish means that sometimes, you have eldritch-looking copepods with long skinny necks stick their anchor-shaped head into your bodily tissue, so that they can drink your sweet, sweet teleost blood

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Atlantic Mackerel, Scomber scrombus. These pretty, shiny fish live in large schools for protection!
info from

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Unfortunately I missed last week but I'm back for
I've seen a lot of teleosts, but elasmobranchs can be colourful too. Under the right light conditions the blue-spot ray's blue patches are almost hypnotic. I love them.

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"Large-bodied sabre-toothed anchovies reveal unanticipated ecological diversity in early Palaeogene teleosts"

A. Capobianco et al. (13/05/2020)
The Royal Society
image 1 © Joschua Knüppe via Live Science

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I went to the aquarium. And now let's all revel in some of the diversity that exists within Teleostei, for I am repenting of my ways and, oh, who knows in what directions our travels may take us.

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Cephalic lateral-line system of Characiformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi): anatomy and phylogenetic implications

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Fossil fishes challenge role of genome duplication in exceptional teleost diversification

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