sometimes love is in the form of inedible deadly chocolate 🌶

176 761

/don't repost/don't qrt/

Midsummer rain in midnight train🌦️
They were out just having fun and the rain caught them before they caught a ride back home.

11 34

day 6 | skating

tensuga skating boyfriends return for a golden hour skate (sorry for the repost, forgot to qrt)

64 194

/don't repost/don't qrt/

"Close up, close up, close up hip hae~📸🎶"

Inspired from this amazing meme I can't stop watching❤️

16 54

🌻the view was breathtaking, Tendou thinks🌻

8 25

🌻the view was breathtaking, Tendou thinks🌻

13 43

Day 2 hurt/comfort

TenSuga is perfect for hurt/comfort

5 16

Based on a short fic that I made a couple days ago😳✨

30 95

Honestly if this meme is my legacy in the haikyuu fandom I am 110% happy with that

33 88

OT3 kiss! [Part 2]
BokuTsukkiKuroo, AsaTanaSuga, UshiAoAsahi, TenSugaOi

106 228

im so curious about tensuga

28 55