reminds me with terraformars from terraformars manga

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Happy Anniversary👑#Sk8theInfinity and and (S1), and (S2) I haven't read these 2 mangas. TPN S1 is fantastic. Violet Evergarden is beautiful. Chihayafuru S2 introduces weird characters.

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Peech's true form is a Terraformars roach

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Prefer that version than the Terraformars cockroaches. 🤣👏

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Happy Ending Anniversary😇#BlackLagoon (S1) and Revenge This was the arc that made me watch Black Lagoon and it's one of my favorite series! Loved watching Revy and Shenhua is this ending. Terra Formars is just strange and has a lot of drama...

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Happy Birthday Suguha-san/Leafa, Chizuru-san, Michelle-san and Makina-san!😤😤😤😊😊😊🥰🥰😍😍😍😍💘🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉

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Grupo 115:
-Isekai Shokudou
-Kageki Shoujo

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Happy Anniversary👑#Sk8theInfinity and and (S1) and has such an amazing story. S1 was a good combo of suspense and mystery. And ofc Violet Evergarden is the most beautiful anime ever.

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Messi lijkt op die kakkerlak van de anime/manga terraformars

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(1/9) Happy Birthday to you Saori-san, Kareha-san, Lambda-11 and Sheila-san!😍😍😍😤😤🥰🥰🥰😊🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉

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🐜 Le mangaka Kenichi Tachibana a commencé une nouvelle série mais il a tenu à préciser que Terra Formars n'est pas abandonné, il va juste falloir attendre que l'état de santé de Yû Sasuga s'améliore

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74. Michelle K. Davis 🪳 (Terraformars)

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(19/4) Happy Birthday to you Suguha-san/Leafra, Michelle-san and Makina-san!😍😍😍💖💖💖😤😤😤💘💗💕❣️😍😍😍😊🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉

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