My attempt at latex……….. possible fail 😐

Bunny needs more practice😅 what do you think?? A fail?

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A birthday gift art I made a short while ago for who needed a cheering up.
I only just got around to uploading it because I’m perpetually spinning in a space vortex… sorry about that.
Happy getting older, Swaggeroo!

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I’m still impressed with how well I replicated the PS1 Cortex…

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Teens in latex… ah 💅

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れとろ♪:キュッキュッギュイーーーーーン カチャカチャ…ッターン!
ちっぷ♪:…何してんの?beatm○ania…じゃなさそうねー なんかツマミとかあるけどSOUND VO○LTEX…だっけ?スマホにもあるんだ?

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Just uploaded the next chaptercover for Twisted. I showed the pencil drawing a while back. Now i added the headphones digitally and deepened the contrast to make it work with the comic's black background (also some other digital edits). I really love tex…

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The group show NSFW is still on until the end of the weekend at .gallery 😄 Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to the opening night due to work, but all the art looks awesome together!

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jazz music art large painting large gift for jazz lover poster abstract tex…

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