Ice! :) Just a few more days of textuary left and they are extra challenging! 1216

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I love it when she looks at me like this from atop a pile of something. Of COURSE she belongs there. :) prompt is satin/silk today! 1212

1 11

Fur! or maybe...a cousin It....cousin? I'm not sure. lol!! 1210 and 22

1 16

Wicker basket was the texture for today but I decided to make it a chair instead. :) 19 and 1207!

1 16

Chrome! I wanted to push the reflections. I think Momo's should probably be more distorted as it's curving on a sphere but I'm happy with it for a first attempt. :) 1203 and 15!

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Two textures today, because I'm working on something extra huge for tomorrow and I'm tired. lol! :) 1200 and Meat and Bread prompts.

1 13

A little behind but I will finish this challenge!
Here’s an update on the challenge with

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This was an interesting one! The prompt was rotten fruit, and I decided to make it a little happier by adding a cute little worm. 1196

2 11

Because every open container of water belongs to THEM, not me. :p ;) 1192 and day 4!

1 14

She is smol, but mighty, and queen of this tiny mountain. ;) My entry for today's prompt, stone! :D 1191

2 19

Today's prompt was metal so i tried my hand at copper! :) And Coconut isn't sure about it. 1/31 and 1189

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For January I'm going to do a drawing challenge w/ called where each day you practice illustrating a different texture! :) I wanted to practice a bit tonight and did sand, which is one that didn't make the list. 1187

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