Here's the digital drawing of the stickers if you want to take a good look at them.

3 7

doing shit in greyscale and then putting colors on it is so fun actually

6 21

text with dangly novelty earrings thank you and goodnight

13 47

one bad gloop and he do what i yoinky!!!!!

8 12

Remember that drawing you asked for? (@ ̄ρ ̄@) Well it’s finally here, sorry for the late gift (; ^ _ ^)

4 12

Did you guys know that I love Texture man and I kin him

5 13

i heart when men are a triple a threat (aromantic asexual agender)

6 19

hes the kind of guy to say "oh my stars!" "great googly moogly!" "jumpin jehoshaphat!"

9 23

its okay i promise im not a dangerous robot with evil malware come closer

3 13

Пов: Балда подключил его к Блютузу

7 26

CM: What?~ You want this, cute boy?~

1 7

Текстурмен и стол ( интимные отношения ) (*□*) ( фотка Путина со столом конечно топ ))))

5 16