Not many vertebrates are known from the Late Triassic Norian stage in Western North America: Shastasaurus (or Shonisaurus) sikkaniensis from the Pardonet formation of British Columbia was the largest marine reptile ever found. Gunakadeit was an odd thalattosaur from Alaska.

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Like the band playing on the deck of the Titanic I will post Dinovembers on here as long as I can. Here we have Guizhouichthyosaurus from the Triassic, of which one individual died with the remains of a large thalattosaur in its stomach. It bit off more than it can chew...

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A small WIP preview of one of our thalattosaurs. This strange creature swam in the warm shallow seas of Switzerland ~240ish million years ago. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess...

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Many thanks again for the hospitality ! Here is a little preview of our models. The thalattosaur Edennasaurus & the basal? diapsid Drepanosaurus both bizarre animals are from the Norian of Lombardy (Italy). More soon!

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This is a phenomenon in its own right, as it evolved in swordfishes/sailfishes, leptonectid ichthyosaurs like Eurhinosaurus, Protosphyraena (left), and thalattosaurs like Xinpusaurus (right).

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A quick little sketch of the new thalattosaur Gunakadeit joseeae.

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Anshunsaurus huangguoshuensis, at approximately 3.5 m long, was one of the largest thalattosaurs. It will be part of the section on the Xiaowa formation (Carnian, China) for my book “Journey To The Mesozoic, vol. I”

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WIP The Endennasaurus acutirostris was toothless and VERY elongated. Zorzino Limestone

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