they're both thanagarians 😭😭

0 21

Hawkman's Thanagarian Star Cruiser

Concept art by Paul Chadeisson, David Levy, & Andrea Onorato

49 366

Thanagarian buddy cop book with these two? Cosmic adventures galore, detective noir, cyberpunk themes. I'm feeling it.

2 4

‘Isn’t Hawkgirl Thanagarian?’, you’re thinking of Shayera, the one used in the Justice League Unlimited series!

1 26

Ppl saying that she isn't romani, oh dear, stop being so rude. Did u look at her ???? She's a fucking romani thanagarian. (Like, wanda maximoff is a sokovian romani)

0 2

I've pointed out plenty that seem off with the Earth-Prime comics but...

*blink* Weren't the Hawks in the Arrowverse never actually connected to Thanagarians?

0 3

Is bendis writing Kendra as if she was thanagarian? Yes
Will I eat it up anyway? Yes, cause look how pretty she looks

1 22

Liga da Justiça

T.2 - Ep 25 - Starcrossed Pt 2


A Liga está presa na nave mãe dos Thanagarianos, quando por uma atitude da Diana conseguem libertar todos, ele fogem dali e se encaminham para Metropolis. Todos o exercito de Thanagarianos já dominou a terra

2 18

Liga da Justiça

T.2 - Ep 24 - Starcrossed Pt 1


A Liga da Justiça fazendo a segurança da conferência dos maiores líderes do mundo, quando uma nava do espaço começa a atirar em tudo, mas em cima dessa nave aparece uma gigantesca que destrói a menor, Mulher Gavião

3 19

Are you telling me that is teasing appearances by Superman, Captain Comet, Thanagarians and Rannians? We also have Sarge Steel with his agency hunting down aliens. It means we are heading towards cosmic and multiversal reveals and events.

1 5

/#Naomi bio: Dee
In the he is a stranded warrior who became a mechanic.

TV Show he is a stranded warrior who became a tattoo artist.

0 1

Shayera Hol é a segunda versão.

Shayera Thal era uma jovem policial thanagariana designada para ajudar Katar Hol, o oficial mais condecorado. Após salvar a vida dele, os dois se apaixonam e se casam.
Anos depois eles estão perseguindo um criminoso que os leva ao planeta Terra.

5 98

Happy 20th anniversary to Justice League! Had the pleasure of rewatching it a few months back & still holds up. Seeing the universe start w/Batman/Superman, all coming together. Events like the Justice Lords & Thanagarian Invasion having ramifications in JLU. It’s all great!

35 104


8 78

Friendly reminder that Oracle can beat up Thanagarians, top tier martial artist and The Joker and hit a long range target blindfolded

17 67

I do like this demonstration of Superman’s powers. “He’s flying the ship from the inside!” Also cool splash of the thanagarian fleet. Interesting color. Anyone have the original? Curious if it was colored quite this way.

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