Sometimes you just gonna ride.

Thank you

121 1355

Get that bread,

(I can't remember why I made a solar duck hunter, but it happened.)

1 28

Hate that you're leaving the team, but hopefully wherever you end up is much less stressful than dealing with us 😅. Good luck , the most rootin tootin piece of toast this side of the Cosmodrome!

22 257

I'll miss these boys, but what a wonderful finale!

3 7

I finished listening and now I'm a total mess ;u; Thank you so much for making an amazing podcast!

4 10

has been a beautiful ride, thanks for all the laughs, tears and memories! I'll miss these boys.

0 1

Generic doodle of the boys bc I’m PROUD OF THEM!!! WHAT A RIDE!!!!

16 64

and thank you for all of the laughs, tears, and an incredible story!

106 258