Maman me rend visite
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tous les droits vont à @.ThePigpenComic

3 8

Maman me rend visite
Page 3 - Page 4
tous les droits vont à @.ThePigpenComic

1 11

Hey guys!! Year is almost over, but still lots to do and celebrate!! Thank you for your support this far and i wish you having a great time with those dear to you!!

134 695

Enjoyed the Piggy in the Middle arc? well, check the new arcs and comic strips coming up!
The In Joke:
New for patrons at:
Don't forget to thank for his great writing work!!

13 53

first four panels done! time to get some more content on Patreon

29 223

Btw, from the small feedback, im glad to know you liked the last update, thank you

78 456

No matter the day, no matter the distance, no matter the number. Love is love

187 850

One of the fav activities for Virgil is to take long relaxing hot tub baths. Later drying a pig's smooth skin is easy, but a fluffy wolf isn't as much

162 792

Still coloring this, so update coming later today

3 24

Here are the next 2 pages, since Dumblr is flagging blog as innapropiate bc lgbt of course and i cannot longer link to it

102 614

What's not to love to the older and huggeable sibling at the Pigsdy household? So what you like about V?

39 177

Tell us what you like about Iber, the youngest pig at the Pigsdy home

19 92