Is it?

With a nod towards René Magritte, this piece explores the creative tension between images and words, while simultaneously opening up multiple windows into the soul - or maybe just into the ghost in the machine?

3 6

The Inner Complexity of Being

People are like icebergs: the part that you see is only a tiny part of the whole. But gaze into their eyes and you may see their soul.

20 35

Sounding board

Sometimes it’s good to escape into the sonic landscape that mirrors our emotions.

4 8

Synaptic synergy

Intuitive, wordless and quasi-telepathic communications can significantly enhance empathy within family groups, and the effectiveness of close-knit co-working communities.

1 6

Informed consensus

Social and cultural norms determine how we come together and interact - think lift-cars, parties, conferences. Effective leadership exploits this, and applies appropriate metrics, to build high-performance teams quickly.

3 12

A Capella

When twelve angelic voices sing in perfect harmony, the results transcend the limitations of equal temperament.

11 36

Chlorinda sollicita

Sometimes it’s hard to sustain your individuality when those who care about you are pushing in different directions. But set your compass and hold your course, and you will prevail.

31 70

She loves deep.
He loves deeper.
A once in a lifetime connection.
But her need for privacy is a minefield.

All day and all night, he is inspired by her pain and her love. Intimacy and intentionality mingle uneasily.

37 62

Sorority 1.17

In our diversity lie resilience and fortitude. Together we can transcend our expectations.

6 16

Seven Brides

Everyone is thrilled at the prospect of seven weddings on the same day. The brides are ready, the cake is baked and the rings are safe.

16 35


Whichever way you look at it, human creativity is endlessly fascinating. And when we mix the real with the surreal, who knows what magic will ensue?

23 50

La Principessa Porpora

The princess is having a GHD. Her determination to succeed knows no boundaries.

5 14