Leo studio X TheBigOnesNFT

🏆1x Leo Studio Whitelist spot
🏆1x TheBigOnesNFT Whitelist Spot

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More the big one spots: https://t.co/zq3R6z5wvD

180 199

Hello people,
We are printing the last pieces of our Action Figures 🗿

They will be unveiled very soon, keep your eyes open 👀

Surprises are not finished…
Turn on notifications if you don’t wanna miss out..🔔

59 166

Our in-game characters will have different items to use at their advantage.

Can you guess which item this Small One has?

40 139

Johnny Depp survived through the power of default posing

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how the fuck did they get there other then "hey big reunion at the end"

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the local beachgoers are in shock as they hear the cries of "MY NET IS TOO HEAVY"

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aw hell yea, spunchbob mastered the surf and also Donkey Konga 2 on Gamecube

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"My final request: don't let DeviantART near this."

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"yeah, legal says I got at least another minute of lines to record to qualify for those promos"

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another question, was the "one of you will not return" line ACTUALLY used in commercials bc I aint seen NUTHIN' for proof on that yet and I gotta know

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getting mad Worthikids vibes from this guy now

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"clearly you are lacking in bitches, unlike those two over there"

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man johnny depp can sure do the flowrider at Kalahari without doing an embarassing belly flop like i did many a summer ago

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you know the more i remember this era of specials, the more i remember some of these guests' characters are basically when people draw super handsome fanart of celebs and imagine them in weird dream scenarios and you know what good for them

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random sidenote, but have y'all been to Volcano Bay in Orlando? Rad as FUCK waterpark, recommend checking out 10/10

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