Looking at your blog header and fancy something new? I design illustrated banners that reflect your passions and personality! Visit: https://t.co/m7tc6Ws1aL Email: alohalolacards.com

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Here are some of my most recent designs! Need a new logo? Fancy getting illustrated? Then visit: https://t.co/m7tc6Ws1aL

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This illustrator is open for commissions!

I can create...

- Caricature portraits
- Business/blog banners
- Logos
- Avatars
- And more!

Visit: https://t.co/m7tc6Ws1aL

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Need a new blog banner? I design illustrated ones! Visit: https://t.co/m7tc6Ws1aL Email: alohalolacards.com

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Need a designer? I am available for hire! I create avatars, blog/business banners, caricature cards and more! Visit: https://t.co/m7tc6Ws1aL

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