Write for . We're seeking submissions of 750-1000 words on topics that intersect with art and disability through a social justice lens and that crip/disrupt the way we think about disability. Deadline: Ongoing: https://t.co/VmR330Xseg

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Write for . We're seeking submissions of 750-1000 words on topics that intersect with art and disability through a social justice lens and that crip/disrupt the way we think about disability. Deadline: Ongoing: https://t.co/VmR330Xseg

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Write for . We're seeking submissions of 750-1000 words on topics that intersect with art and disability through a social justice lens and that crip/disrupt the way we think about disability. Deadline: Ongoing: https://t.co/VmR330Xseg

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The goal of is to How can we disrupt institutional obstacles to access, disclosures, and change in our workplaces? This instalment of has some questions for art institutions to consider: https://t.co/ZVgg0dUzPB

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