🥁C'est au tour de la série fantastique The Croaking de de sortir au format papier chez les éditions 🥁
Découvre cette série sur WEBTOON !

8 34

Lots of lore + action happening in eps 162 (unlocked) and 168 (Fast Pass) of on

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Ep 148 of is unlocked on No new FP ep this week because I'm on break so now's prob a good chance to catch up lmao.

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Some MAJOR things going down in just-unlocked ep 135 and Fast Pass ep 141 of on - you won't want to miss this.

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Aaanndd the teachers are surviving still (somehow) thanks to Sgt. Perig's boot juice in FP ep 139 of on

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The boys are having a rough morning in ep 133 of unlocked on

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Face à l’armée, aux complots et aux gangs, difficile de s'en sortir seul. Scra, Ky et Ree feront alors équipe pendant leur année à l’académie militaire pour tenter de découvrir les mystères de leur monde et surtout sur… le ‘Croaking’.🦅

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📢WE HAVE A HUG THIS IS NOT A DRILL A HUG HAS HAPPENED📢 in this week's Fast Pass ep 134 of on

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An unlikely alliance is forged in ep 128 of unlocked now on

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"You ever find out more about that thing you were askin' around for? The Croaking?"

Ep 130 Fast Pass preview of on

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Couldn't include the text in this because it'd be too spoilery even for me, but ppl who've read the just-unlocked ep 121 of on know that I wasn't playin' with this ep.

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