cure fans follow me i draw silly little robert smith sometimes

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After posting the last version of this one I was sure I was done but then I started tweaking....this really is the final version! Phew! 🙂

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I an going to get these two printed to postcards and added to the set. If you would like these two I will send them to you from me as a kind of birthday pressie.

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Hello, it's Friday, and... these are some of my ink and ballpoint pen Robert Smith drawings 🙂

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Saw was trending, so here’s a quick sketch of Robert Smith before bed ❤️🖤

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I told my hubby that I need to stop drawing for a while and he said I must explore other Roberts to draw like Robert Mugabe!!!!!

Here is Faith

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Robert Smith of The Cure greeting card | The Cure Gift | Goth | New Wave | 80s Music | Birthday Card | Cards

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Especulações apontam que concertos nas Américas podem ser anunciados no primeiro semestre de 2023.

10 221