A revelation by the Devil to Beak of the Toilet’s true nature paves the way for a climactic cliffhanger, whetting the appetite for the next issue.

Read the full article: The Devil’s Toilet Review: Everyone Poops

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The Toilet is accompanied by two hellish companions – Mugs and Meatsack Jack – who he has just aided in their escape.

Read more 👉 https://t.co/T2RLXTpbuc

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The Toilet is accompanied by two hellish companions – Mugs and Meatsack Jack – who he has just aided in their escape.

Read the full article: Devil’s Toilet: The Number Two Review

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A comic that definitely doesn’t take itself seriously, The Devil’s Toilet is nevertheless a well crafted product.

Read more 👉 https://t.co/Iwmu3Khobq

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Unfortunately, between our heroes and said Hell guns is Beak, a demon who – for reasons unstated – is green, instead of the dark reddish pink of his fellows.

Read more 👉 https://t.co/vZ7iSTle3f

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