"Strength of bone and fire of mind, all wrapped around a core of steel-hard purpose that would make him a deadly projectile, once set on any course.”


27 106

”You invent yourself...You look at other women-or men;
you try on their lives for size. You take what you can use, and you look inside yourself for what you can't find elsewhere.
And always...always...you wonder if you're doing it right.”


33 115

“Mo Nighean donn," he whispered," mo chridhe. My brown lass, my heart."
Come to me. Cover me. Shelter me. a bhean, heal me. Burn with me, as I burn for you.”


42 249

The wood around us was still, in the way of woods. No bird, no beast, just the sough of leaves above and the rush of water underfoot. Constant movement, constant sound—and at the center of it all, a perfect peace..🕊🌄🍁❤️

36 217

Did I ever think to thank ye, Sassenach?”
“For what?”. He took my hand, drew me gently toward him. He smelled of ale and damp wool...
“For my bairns,” he said softly. “For the children that ye bore me.”
“Oh,” I said.“It was ... my pleasure.”

112 1190

👥🎬🌄 A special couple in 🏡🐖🔥

👥 Brenda Blethyn / David Hayman
👥 Imelda Staunton / David Bradley
👥 Julie Walters / Charles Dance

What are yours for Murdina & Arch?

27 79